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Pioneering journalist surveys

Use voice surveys to write better stories.

Automated voice interviews

Spend less time interviewing and more time writing high-quality stories.



Add voice interviews as add-on media to your blog posts.


Newspaper writers

Create voice interview templates to write high-quality articles faster.


Book authors

Get quotations from influencers quickly and efficiently.


Magazine writers

Screen new stories from your existing base of readers.


 News reporters

Use voice interviews to fact-check and validate new stories.

Increase quality

Only meet with people that align with articles you are writing.

Collect media

Collect 60 second interview snippets from experts for use in articles.

Increase views

Get more views on the articles that you publish.

Why choose us?

Voice-enabled surveys can help you achieve more.

Hear more stories

Increase the number of individuals interviewed.

Reduce irrelevant meetings

Only schedule follow-ups with the best stories.


Increase engagement

Increase engagement with your readers.

Write higher quality articles

Write higher quality articles that assemble many perspectives.

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