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Pioneering job interviews

Reduce time to screen candidates from months to days.

Reach quality talent, faster.

Spend less time screening candidates and more time on the phone with quality talent.


Screening interviews

Replace a phone interview with an automated voice interview.


Behavioral interviews

Ask candidates open-ended questions to predict how they will perform on the job.


Culture interviews

Check to see candidates fit within the culture and align with the core values of your company.


Sales interviews

See how candidates will pitch your value offering to potential customers in 60 seconds or less.


Technical interviews

Randomize up to 100 technical questions to test a candidate's knowledge.

Save time

Reduce time to screen candidates from months to days.

Better experiences

Create better experiences for the candidate and for the recruiter.

Next-gen recruiting

Be able to thrive in the area of high-volume recruiting.

Why choose us?

Voice interviews can help you achieve more.

Increased engagement

Get more candidates to engage with you via voice surveys.

Customized assessments

Build and publish customized assessments in minutes.


Reduced screening time

Reduce screening time from months to weeks.

Better experiences

Better experience for the candidate and for the recruiter.

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