
Pioneering customer reviews

See how we can reduce survey fraud and increase review quality.

Create new customer review experiences.

Our voice surveys lead to up to 5x reduced survey fraud and up to 2x lower dropout rates.


Restaurant reviews

For restaurants looking to capture reviews from customers.


Healthcare reviews

For physicians and dentists looking for reviews from patients.


Hotel reviews

For hotels looking for reviews from guest travelers.


Movie reviews

For movie makers looking for feedback on movies.


Product reviews

For brands looking for reviews on their products.


Book reviews

For authors looking to get feedback from readers.

Lower dropout rates

Lower dropout rates from up to 80% to around 30-40%.

Better experiences

Consumers prefer to speak their responses rather than type or click their responses.

Increase revenue

Publish voice reviews on social media to drive conversions and increase revenue.

Why choose us?

Voice reviews can help you achieve more.

Increased completion rates

Increase survey completion rates up to 3x.

Better experiences

Let consumers tell you how they really feel.


Publish reviews

Publish reviews to social media to drive conversions.

Reduced review fraud

Quickly identify repeat survey takers and survey fraud.

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